Theater Heidelberg presents: ENDLESS
A Dance Production of Dance Company Nanine Linning / Theater Heidelberg
Endless, a highly emotional journey in which Nanine guides her audience through a relationship of two people who struggle to find trust, confidence and love in one another. This epic production started as a duet in 2006 before she reworked it into an evening length production danced by 11 dancers. Endless moved people to tears with the touching performance of her incredible dancers, stunning costumes by haute couture designer Iris van Herpen, brilliant video work by Roger Muskee and mesmerizing light by Loes Schakenbos.
The press deemed Endless the »must have seen« of the 2013/2014 season, striking the viewer as »simply breathtaking both conceptionally and from a dance perspective« (Mannheimer Morgen). After Zero and Voice Over, Linning finishes with Endless her expressive trilogy on the human states of being. The choreography exposes the passion and abysses of a couple’s relationship. Distributing the roles of the couple among the 11 dancers of her company, Linning presents a gripping multifaceted view of all the different states of a relationship – from the curiosity raised during a first date, the storm of passion and the harmony of being together to follow up to the final break-up. The interplay of dance, large-sized video projections, shadow-images and live cameras develops a »great suggestive power« (Die Deutsche Bühne). »A triumph« writes Süddeutsche Zeitung about the performance and praises its »overwhelming Pas de deux«. Linning’s movement idiom succeeds in encapsulating »intensive feelings in clear form«. »Love has seldom perished in such an enchantingly beautiful way«, according to Darmstädter Echo, concluding that Endless is »eye-opening physical and visual theater«.