Theater Heidelberg presents:  KHÔRA
A production of Dance Company Nanine Linning / Theater Heidelberg

World première 12th November 2016, Marguerre-Saal
Theater und Orchester Heidelberg

KHÔRA. Mystically appears the origin of all becoming. Reflecting on the genesis of the cosmos, Plato fantasized about this intangible place of potential. Gradually, the primordial chaos starts to arrange itself to take form. The process of creation has begun.

Nanine Linning’s newest production KHÔRA delves deeply into this primal state and brings it to life in an astonishing way. Surrounded by various sensations the spectator becomes part of a synaesthetic world, in which nothing acts as expected. Stunning video projections involve the viewer in the innovative three-dimensional set design, in which dancers magically appear and disappear. Edible costumes create their own percussive sound. Sensual choreographies incorporate the essence of the four elements - earth, fire, water and air – and can even be experienced through smell. Extraordinary little delicacies are given out by a dancer in a huge waterfall dress. Once tasted, they evoke an astonishing waterfall effect in your the mouth.

The performance finally culminates in a celebration of life with five dancers hanging upside down serving champagne to the audience. This premium champagne was exclusively created for KHÔRA.

After SILVER, Linning collaborates anew with the Dutch designer Bart Hess whose offbeat creations combine unusual fabrics with surprising textures. The visual impact of this fusion of dance and design is further heightened by the music of composer and long-time collaborator Michiel Jansen. In order to involve the senses of taste and smell to this multi-sensory production, Linning joins forces with food designer Remco Vellinga.

Dutch choreographer Nanine Linning consciously leaves the beaten theatrical path with her cutting-edge dancers by intensely integrating design, video, music, visual arts and fashion. According to the press, Dance Company Nanine Linning / Theater & Orchester Heidelberg is becoming one of Europe's leading brands in dance. By moving beyond divisions and working across disciplines, Linning offers a combination of dance and opera, concerts and installations amid which orchestra’s, choirs and vocal soloists take an active part in the choreography. Her productions are characterized by an extreme physical and explosive dance language. The company’s close cooperation with diverse internationally known artists and scientists is reflected in the broad spectrum of its activities, which include European co-productions, an increasing number of tours, TV documentaries and the commission to create a TV commercial.